Switch Day

So I have said this before, but I went to overnight camp. In fact, I loved overnight camp. It was wonderful. It was an all girls camp, and it was this magical place that you would escape into for 8 weeks of the summer and not really care how you looked, what you wore, if you were being crazy, if people looked at you while you were being crazy, and it was a blast! We dressed in pajamas all day long, and our hair was a frizzy mess most of the time (being that it was a mostly Jewish camp!), we sang and danced on our tables in the dining halls, and we just DID NOT ever care!

This isn’t from my camp, but it could have been…I have many a picture that look JUST like this.

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The Fizzle

So you know when it is a super hot day out and you are just dying for a nice fizzy soda? So you open it up, and then….

the phone rings….

you get busy…

you have to run some random errand….

You basically forget about the lovely, fizzy soda that you just got…. Continue reading

Sad Single Ramblings (brought on by Laundry Boredom)

Well, hey there readers! How are you doing on this lovely, albeit boring Saturday (boring for me…and probably you if you.LAME!! are reading this on Saturday!)? So, being my sad, single self….I am having a massive laundry day… And of course what comes on, but He’s Just Not That Into You….because somehow the TV gods even know that clearly He’s just not that into me and they are trying to give me every possible sign…

So, and obviously this requires some reader PARTICIPATION here, when is your “he’s just not that into me” moment? And beyond that when do you have the moment of “Hey, dude, shit or get of the pot!!” I know, my romanticism is clearly is what has me sorting whites from colors all by my lonesome today, but in a real attempt at learning, I sincerely ask….when are you done? When is the moment that you stop and give up hope, and is that in fact when something happens? And in that case, is it worth it then?? Ok, I’ll stop my ramblings…only because I need to change loads. So please leave some opinion, thought, question, hate comment, note, suggestion, link, picture, ANYTHING! I beg of you!!!!



Sad Single Summer

So I’ve tried this one before…and you know what? You’ve all been big fat (speaking of fat and summer…UGHHHH) failures. I’ve asked for your questions, your quandaries, your hopes, your dreams, your ways to humiliate me….

Well I guess some people never learn!!

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