Party Rockin’ on Your Phone Tonight: Sad Message-palooza

You know those nights when you walk in to da club and you are just on fire???!! No, me either. But I’ve seen lots of movies and TV shows where this has happened and heard accounts from much less single (or WAY more single..wink wink) friends. I am mostly kidding… I really am just talking about when you go out, you feel great, you look great, and the attention that follows seems to verify that. You are ON!

I imagine those nights to be like this..right?

I imagine those nights to be like this..right?

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Ok, I think it’s pretty obvious here from my well declared “SINGLE GAL STATUS” (SGS) that I wasn’t the coolest cat in high school. I wasn’t making out under the bleachers, or in the QB’s beamer, or…I don’t know…where else did the popular kids who actually had sex lives in high school do things?

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I keep meaning to write about this and just keep forgetting to. You all might recall a few months ago I went on a “group date” via the dating site Grouper. It was pretty fun, even if the men weren’t necessarily the right fit or even fun at all, because you are on a group date with two of your friends. So fun time pretty much guaranteed…unless your friends are the most boring people alive.

Something's Fishy around here....

Something’s Fishy around here….

Well, the last time I went, the guys were, well how should I say….awful? I even wrote this on a post:

SSG: Grouper fail
Lexi: What?! What happened? Sounded like the night was getting gooood at the Dawson’s Creek singalong!
SSG: Nope! One of the guys already left! But there might be one match happening
Lexi: Oooo! Lucky pair. Sorry to hear the guys weren’t exactly your type but so happy you were able to make a fun night out of it!
SSG: The guy that we are “stuck  talking to” as he won’t leave his friend, he told me he doesn’t trust anything I say
Lexi: Hahaha omg! Why would he say that?
SSG: He sucks
Lexi: Yiiiiiiikes
SSG: Yeah he also did a live reading of my blog.. Which was funny, but as it was about a bad date is kind if ironic
Lexi: Hahaha goodness! What are the odds.
SSG: Lets hope better next time
Lexi: We’ll make sure of it! Promise!

Lexi, for the uninitiated, is the “concierge” from Grouper, who checks in on your dates and makes sure things are going smoothy. Well, trouble is Lexi made me a promise that I would get another match, a better one than this crummy date! So when a month rolled around and no date had been sent my way, I emailed Lexi and received this response:

Hi Mara,

Thanks so much for reaching out. As soon as we find you a great match, we’ll reach back out to get your next Grouper all set up! I know it can be frustrating, but we’d rather make you wait for an awesome experience than rush you out the door for a mediocre one.

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

All the best,

Ok, that’s fair. She cared about me! She didn’t want me to have another shitty date. She didn’t want me to waste my time, OR my friends’ time on losers. Awesome. So sweet.

So another two months roll by, as I sit there twiddling my thumbs, hoping, praying for Lexi to come save the day! And….NOTHING! So I send her another email:

Hey Lexi,

Just following up on this! I haven’t received anything from grouper in MONTHS!!



And how does she brush me off? By responding to me via TEXT!

Hey Mara,

Apologies about that- we just want to make sure we send you out on a Grouper with a great match so that you’ll have a good time! The last thing we want is to match you and then not have a good time. I promise I will reach out as soon as we find a great match!

Ok, so Lexi, and Grouper, let’s have a word….because this text…it was sent in June. Do you think I would rather feel like I am unmatchable? That there is no one in the entire Los Angles Metro area that could possibly, POSSIBLY want to spend an hour with me OR that maybe I would like to have a mediocre time and actually hear back from you? I’m guessing I wouldn’t like to feel worthless and unloved…..but that’s up to you Grouper. Until then, #Grouperfail

I would if I could Lexi.....I would if I could

I would if I could Lexi…..I would if I could

I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)

So a lot of the times when I write, I use humor as a way to maybe cope with feelings – you know how in Friends Chandler’s always making jokes, even at the most inappropriate times?

Well, that is kind of me on here. Sometimes rather than actually reflecting on what is making me sad, or angry, or upset, I joke it off. Continue reading

Don’t Judge a Magazine By Its Cover

If you are not aware, I live in Los Angeles. A city that is pretty hard to find a man in, as it seems to be bifurcated into tiny little pockets were you have to find the person that might suit you best. So, any help, guidance, handbooks are welcome. Well, yesterday while purchasing a book at Barnes and Noble….yes, I still buy books…I came across the new issue of Los Angeles magazine, with the cover reading “This Issue is Smokin’! SEX IN LA”

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